Tuesday, August 2, 2016

My Big Why

Look how cute I am.
This post has been sitting here, unpublished, for years. It was full of self-hate in the disguise of "backstory". Forget that. DELETE. It's time for moving forward. Shit happens (and happened) and I have only myself and my future to own.

I wake up every day in my body and with my mind. I start my day with no confidence from the first few moments and I’m sick and tired of it! I don’t want my daughter growing up having poor fitness and eating habits modeled after me or my son's continued embarrassment of me. And hell, I want to be able to see them get married – and not only have energy for them, but pfor my (far in the future) grandkids too!

I'm fat but feel pretty awesome about myself even though I don't....


  1. What an amazing smile in your picture! You have similar goals to mine, best of luck with yours xx

    1. Thanks, Lady! or can I say Tricerasister?
